The Business Continuity Coalition
Ensuring Business is Ready to Reopen the Next Time
The Business Continuity Coalition (BCC) represents a broad range of business insurance policyholders – large and small – from across the American economy, employing millions of people. The BCC is working constructively with policymakers and other U.S. stakeholders to develop an insurance program that protects jobs by ensuring business continuity from future economic losses from this, or any pandemic, and other emergencies necessitating widespread closures of the economy.
Due to the government-mandated shutdowns of non-essential businesses and related shelter-in-place directives as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, economic activity in the U.S. was severely disrupted to an unprecedented degree, and lingering effects of this remain.
Representing a wide range of organizations and industries throughout the U.S. business community, the goal of the BCC is to protect American jobs and to ensure a sustainable and speedy economic recovery from current and future pandemics and government-ordered shutdowns through a Federal business continuity program. Such a program, properly structured, should address sector-specific issues that may continue to develop as a result of the current pandemic or future events.
The BCC is committed to achieving this goal by working with Congress, the Administration, and other stakeholders to achieve a workable Federal program that enhances and strengthens economic recovery in such circumstances.

Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY)
“Congress needs to be proactive in helping businesses protect themselves from economic losses as a result of pandemics, which, as we’ve seen, can be devastating to businesses of all sizes.”